What is this game?

This game is meant as tool for practicing calculating with fraction. It was developed for students in the 5th - 6th grade.

The different modes:

Standard (Campaign) - a bit longer, takes you through everything about fractions 
Daily - this mode is a shorter version of the standard mode. It is recommended for people that have already completed the standard-mode. We recommend keeping track of students scores for this mode and celebrating students that do very well.
Training: Addition1 - this mode only uses addition of small numbers (1,2,3,4). This is the easiest mode to start of with.
Training: Addition2 - this mode is like the Addition1 but with a bit bigger value
Training: Multiplication - this mode only features multiplication and can be used to specifically train the multiplication skill. This mode is not recommended when starting out.

Current Highscores:

Campaign (easy)Valentin - 1825
Campaign (medium)---
Campaign (hard)---
Daily (easy)Vin - 383
Daily (medium)---
Daily (hard)Ahsan - 504 


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Ok I KNOW im stupid. But there is NO WAY I'm this dumb right????? i just had NO IDEA what was going on 😅 Math is by FAAAAR My worst subject so that's probably why but I do wish things were a little more clear :P

Ahsan - 504 on Hard!